The bug and the fix on Windows 10 (part 2)

Bug fix no Wifi after upgrade
If you use a laptop, Wifi is probably something that you always need to. As noted, some users after upgrade to Windows 10 discovered the computer's Wifi feature may not work, or are not recognized Wifi networks nearby. And the main cause for or Microsoft is by using a VPN client to configure on the device, especially coming from Cisco.

If you fall into the same situation, you can solve by pressing right click on the Start button and choose the Command Prompt (Admin).
Command Prompt window appears, please copy and paste the following code into, and then press ENTER to execute.

reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f
Next, you continue to copy and paste the following code into the.

netcfg -v -u dni_dne

All done, now you please restart Windows and test results.
Error loading the application in the Store (error code 0x803F7003)

Some users have conducted search and download apps from the Store but the reload process cannot perform, and this error is Windows show with code 0x803F7003. 
Generally, the only way for you to resolve it is to use Windows tool Store Reset has seeds in Windows. To use, you enter the keyword "wsreset" into the search box.
Then you click on results of the first selection. The app Store will immediately restart and operate "smoothly" back.
Use the network speed is reduced dramatically
After upgrading or installing new Windows 7, some users than the session about network speed suddenly decrease housing scholarships unknown cause. According to learn then this problem can occur because the feature is called Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO), was originally designed to help users get software updates more quickly, which is a pretty good idea for handling internet traffic grows up to 40 multi per second (Tbps).
According to SecurityDaily, the WUDO work similar to torrent. Your computer is running Windows 10 is used as part of a peer-to-peer network to provide software updates faster than others, each a little distribution of files between computers and help everyone to download the updates quickly.

Therefore, if you use a high speed transmission line, then this problem is not interested, but if your bandwidth is not "balance" for this, you can disable it by going to Settings.
Enter the keyword "Windows Update" into the search box and click the results Windows Update settings.
In the Windows Update screen, you click on the option in the Advanced options.
Find and click on the option to Choose how updates are delivered.

 And Ricochet OFF to turn off the Windows Update feature complete Delivery Optimization (WUDO).
Now, please check back to view the speed has been restored yet.


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