The bug and the fix on Windows 10 (part 5)

The Application Settings not working

In Windows 7, the Application Settings has replaced the Control Panel. And the links are directed to the Microsoft Setup Settings, as well as adding new features exclusively that the Control Panel is not possible.

In the past few days, many complained that the Application Settings cannot be accessed, or more specifically is not open when clicking on the icon on the Start Menu. Others offer more that they can only access the Application Settings from the Store instead click directly into the Application Settings.

To resolve this issue, please click the link to download Windows tools 10 Troubleshooter from Microsoft and launch it. Then click Next to proceed to examine and solve the problem that you are experiencing.

In addition to the above workarounds, you should also proceed to check out and install Windows updates 10 because the last time Microsoft has also updated a few fixes on the Application Settings for Windows 10 could also cause that you are experiencing.

The case still could not fix the problem, you should think to Reset Windows 10 stories.

Failed to save photo Screenshots in Windows 10
whining about Windows 7, to get the screenshots Screenshots, you have to resort to the help of the third party software. However, since Windows 8 released so far, Microsoft has added features to take pictures on his operating system Screenshots. Usually, to photograph the Screenshots, you just press the key combination Windows Key + PrintScreen or Windows Key + Fn + PrintScreen is finished, the image Screenshots will be saved into the folder called Screenshots in Pictures.

But if you've done the right shortcut key combination to take screenshots Screenshots but Windows could not save the image into Pictures\Screenshots then you have to do to solve this problem? Please refer to the how to do the following:

Press WIN + R key combination to invoke the RUN dialog and type in keyword Regedt32.exe, and then press ENTER to invoke the Registry Editor dialog box.

Registry Editor dialog box appears, navigate to the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

And double click on the lock {B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F}, then enter the value for it is: %USERPROFILE%\Pictures\Screenshots

Finally, click OK to save and restart Windows to any official changes to take effect.


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