The bug and the fix on Windows 10 (part 1)

In the process of using Windows 10, you may encounter the error arises or not?

There is no perfect operating system, and Windows 10 new launches are also not located outside this rule. There are many errors to be detected by the user when using Windows 7, the majority are solved by rebooting Windows, but some could not solve by doing this.
Errors win 10
Bugs Something Happened when upgrading to Windows 7:

This error is detected for some users who use Windows Media 10 tool Creation Tool to download and upgrade to Windows from Windows version lower than 10.

Something Happened
To solve this problem and make the upgrade process becomes "smooth" than you or conduct a search to locate and right-click on the EXE file of Windows Media 10 Creation Tool and select Run as Administrator.
fix win 10
The next step you will not encounter the error Something Happened to appear again.

Black screen error when booting:

After a successful upgrade to Windows 7, some users leave a black screen error encountered-or Blackscreen – after every Windows boot. This screen appears for about 1-2 hours prior to the login screen. In the black screen, you can still control the normal mouse pointer.
black screen error
This error can be resolved by accessing the Power Options from the menu right click when pressing on the Start button.
In the Power Options screen, you find and click on the option to Choose what the power button does, then click on Change settings that are currently unavailable. Next please uncheck Turn on options in fast startup (recommended) and click OK. Now you restart Windows.
Once booted, you go back to Change settings that are currently unavailable and mark the back Turn on fast startup (recommended) is finished.

The application does not boot or crash:

Some users encountered cases could not start the core applications like Store, Photo, Groove Music, ... or if you are also having problems with crash or behave as expected.

If you fall in this case, you can solve this by doing the following.

First of all, you specify which applications are having problems. For example here is the Photo, please start the File Explorer and access the following path, with "username" is your account name.

Here you will find a list of Windows applications folder 10 core and installed on your computer. Now you get to the folder names are relevant to the application are the problem. In this article is the "Photo", the corresponding name is. "Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe"
Once identified, you press F2 and proceed to copy the entire folder's name. Now you call the application Notepad and enter the following code:

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Applications folder name).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

In it, you change the tên_th line by the cliff _ item _ Application _ by using the directory name that we defined above. According to the above example is Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe we will. .. have the command is:

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackageMicrosoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

The remaining work is to right-click on the Start button and choose the Command Prompt (Admin), then copy and paste the code above into the edit, and then press ENTER to execute.
Now you wait Windows conducted more application fixes are done.

The application also has ways to do the same.


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