5 The Idea Source Written Content

Here is the article discusses some of the ways in which their own applied to get new themes and ideas to write articles for the Blog. As you know the article benefits of your daily Blog update before then but so we need to have a regular post, but we also need to have the ideas to write articles for originality and creativity. The problem posed is:

  • How can we find out new ideas for Blog daily?
  • Any sources we can use to get more new topics?
  • How to get an idea of when we can't think of more?

That is exactly the problem we need to solve in order to become a successful Blog or website Traffic to increase.

How to have more ideas article

Today starts a day doing SEO yourself with the thought of writing what I think the topic why not write an article on how to find the subject of article. Why when I search engines listed are 6 ways or and to we have to write a new article. Hope people like it. There are many sources you can get content to write the article and this is the place for you to exploit thoroughly. 

Ask Google

We all know that Google is a wise man to know all the information. So why don't we ask that Saint on the server to the new posts. You might think that not the fact I did a lot of times with this way. Themselves ask Google and Google has for

couple of suggestions.
But asked how? Very simple, you just need you to open a browser and type any query below, some of your examples also, depending on the field.
  • How Blog
  • Tips Blog
  • How To Blog
  • And a number of related keywords

After typing any queries on Google you simply move the mouse down to the bottom and click on Google's suggestion that you like to more clearly when you don't know where to start. Try it once because I was few times get ideas from it to write the article. 
google search

2. View YouTube

You will wonder is why YouTube can generate the idea to write the article. But I think that friends, video on YouTube has quite a large contribution to resolving the problem.
We can do this in two ways

Watch the video related to your field and write an article about what you see on the video but need to be creative and more impressive. Put a little time and research through its points on which there is already an article.

Create the video based on the article and uploaded to your YouTube channel. It not only helps you create a new article that helps you get more Traffic comes from YouTube.

3. Borrow the idea of opponents
There is nothing illegal when you get the idea of the Blog. Find a great website, Blog number in your area and read the comments of the people who read here.

Many of the big Blog site owner doesn't have time to reply to comments, questions of the reader and this is really a good opportunity for you to have new ideas as well as new hits on the Blog.

4. Ask the reader

If you want people who read love and back to his Blog more, you have to concentrate and solve their problems. Read the comments and writing guide regularly to address the needs of those queries.

Try to communicate with them and ask them to write about the topic on their Blog. Sure you could easily get the idea good or at least will be interested in your article. Use Facebook Fanpage to ask the fans they like what the article next. Or make a separate page for her readers may ask regardless of when they have need of

5. Join the Group Facebook

Before yourself quite a few social network engagement because there are too many Group Spam but when taking the time to pay attention to it than to have more Traffic from it, I realized that there are many ideas you can get content from Facebook.

In the Group has a lot of questions, questions that you can rely on it to write the article, there are also many articles that you share also is a source of inspiration if you take advantage of these options, the subject line with your field, writing articles and share them on Facebook.

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