Set up Social for WordPress SEO by Yoast

This article guides you to install wordpress for social networking. Current social network very popular help article index and share more quickly. So why don't we get started right.

Why should Social setting for WordPress SEO by Yoast

No coincidence that this plugin has more items to Social custom, and to have more personal link declaration in social network sites when a user's profile page. The purpose of this setting is to make your website become more friendly with social networks and additional information on your social network page with a Google search.

More specifically, it will help you add the tags Open Graph of Facebook to your links for better interaction on Facebook as shown full information, show website link when user press like the article. Or add the Twitter tag Hover cards to show your link information when shared in Twitter, or Google page + display in the page of search results. Generally you will get many benefits without affecting anything.

Set up social networking for WordPres SEO by Yoast


To do this, you on SEO >> Social and declare the links to your social networking sites into the Accounts.

Social - Yoast SEO


The next is in part Facebook, you enter the title, description and logo of your website for it to show up when someone share links at the home page of the website.

Immediately below is the Facebook Insights Admin, please connect to your Facebook account and enter your App ID (if any) to it conduct connected App ID and visitor statistics from Facebook through the Facebook features Insights.

When using this feature, if you insert Facebook Comments then it will automatically connect to the App ID of you, from which you can manage the comment here and receive notification when new comment via Facebook.

The remaining entries are not very important and easy to do should you do the same.

Set the link for social network users

To use this setting, you will need to >> Your Profile and find Users section, Google + Twitter and Facebook and fill (is the link or username leads to your social networking page).

Set the post in social networks
WordPress SEO by Yoast also function to set the title, description and image for the article or a site so it displays information as to when the share to Facebook or Google +. It is the Social part of WordPress SEO by Yoast when composing content.

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