Top 6 the service best website speed test

You want to test the speed of your website really isn't hard because just look up google and search. However, many tools do not give the full statistics and data inaccuracies. Or maybe you misunderstood about the uses of it should have the wrong, leading to wrong always assess the pace website.

If you are still looking for website speed test tool then here is list of the best website for you to use.

1. LoadImpact (Free)


One of the tools free website speed test I liked for that is LoadImpact. His firepower like it is because it has the support check the speed on many different countries, is very beneficial if you are using host international.

Test methods of it not only send queries and recorded time, that it would send about several dozen virtual visits on the website at the same time so you can check the accuracy of speed have been limited or not if you have many visitors at the same time.

It's also very detailed statistics about the traffic bandwidth allowed to submit (such as 1 MB/s) so you can evaluate the true bandwidth that allows providers is how much.

2. GTMetrix (Free)


If I need to check that the file would load the longest on his website to optimize it then needs to use tools is GTMetrix. It is the tool reviews the optimization of a website that has accompanied the statistics the average speed of your website, it currently only support test on the 2 countries are United States of America and Canada.

Here, it will return the optimal number of points statistics you are and how much you need to part listed. However I just used it on purpose-see file would load the longest to leave or return, rather than the optimum point of Page Speed or YSlow itself that it does not tell the true speed of access.

3. PingDoom Tool (Free)

pingdoom tool

Pingdom also have GTMetrix similar function which is to check the speed of your website on 2 nation that is America and the Netherlands, and detailed statistics of optimizer ability each element in the website as the heaviest file, the file would load time consuming for so you can optimize.

4. Blitz (Pay)


 Can all 3 free tools above are not yet sufficient to meet the requirement to check your speed then you can visit the Blitz because it is extremely useful and can give you the exact performance of the server as well as the speed of the website. The form is used to load the credit and it will except over the number of times used.

The first is that it supports you test with the command line in UNIX environment if you have this application installed onto your server. This is useful to you in the examination without loss of time to access the website.

The second is that it supports 3 type of test that is:
  • Sprint-check by sending a query to the website via HTTP or HTTPS, then the statistical parameters of the Header Status. If used this way, you will not have to take credit.
  • Rush-test by sending multiple queries on the website at the same time as ascending (default is from 1 to 1000 queries for the query, you can add). This is a very useful method to check the website of buffer size would because you can send up to 1000 queries at the same time that only 1 credits. The returned results you will know the total number of queries send success and failure, and you will know your website page load time when it received the number of queries so.
  • Performance-like type of Rush but it will only send 1 query and the goal is to see your page load to a normal user. If there are any links in the website status 301 redirect it will also always statistics.
The third is that it supports you to test as many different methods such as GET, POST, PUT, or even DELETE.

The fourth is that it supports a lot of servers in many different countries, including the United States, Singapore, Japan, Brazil, Australia and the Netherlands.

And also a lot of other features to it may be worthy of a paid service.

A sample check

5. WebPageTest (Free)

Sometimes I will need to check the website speed on many different countries and want to check your website speed version not have cache and cache, then had themselves will use WebPageTest tool.

Its function is the same as PingDom but will support many more countries, and it will automatically check the website 2 times the corresponding revision to cache and the cache has to know if you have a web cache I will shoot.

6. Dotcom Monitor (Free)

Dotcom Monitor

This is a website speed test tool is quite simple but very useful if you just need to see how much speed, himself this is the it support you checked on 15 different server enough in all continents.

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