Fix Google blocking CSS and Javascript.

This article guides how to fix google error blocking css and javascript. Thank you for visiting, or follow my blog regularly.

In yesterday, Google suddenly bulk send email notification to tons of websites are blocked Google Bot visit the CSS and Javascript files. Why Google is such a message again.

Google Bot visit the website according to its own algorithm, but we can control the retrieved data of it through the robots.txt file in the root folder of your website. Therefore, this message means that either the CSS/JS files on the website are blocked by robots.txt should Google Bot will not be able to access. This phenomenon may be due to you block certain directories.

So to make sure that we allow Google Bot visit the CSS files and Javascript then just add following paragraph Declaration on the website's robots.txt (no creating)

Allow: /*.js$
Allow: /*.css$ 

And if more fully, we will have:

User-agent: *
Allow: /*.js$
Allow: /*.css$

And after adding it to the line, you can rest assured that their website no longer blocking Google Bot see CSS and JS on the website anymore.

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