10 keys to successful blog development

If you want to build a successful blog, to make money online, to share or any purpose that you want, then it is best that you should up a blogging plan clear. In addition to learning the bloggers go ahead to improve your blogging skills is also a way that many people use. And to apply for your own blog. Here are 10 tricks blogging that I have learned from the famous blogger.

1. Trade mark
First to your blog becomes popular and gets more people remember the blog you need to have a brand. No brand, then it's hard to make the readers back to your blog, and the blog name under the common brand is very easy to remember your readers will not need to take the up Google and search your blog, simply typing the path in the address bar. And brand also contributes to the reputation and level of your image in the world of bloggers, it is of course no need to argue.

2. Design.
Suppose you are looking for information, you want to find a reliable source, you search on Google and open the batch tab, usually you will choose the how blog, is that the blog was beautifully designed and extremely eye catching? Not only you that almost everyone that, in the minds of people to a blog are care about the interface also has invested in terms of content and they want to learn but the thing they don't know from professionals rather than Amateurs sit a guillotine. Of course they will stop to read your blog right away without having to think.

3. content quality
Next is the quality of content you write on your blog. The readers on your blog simply because your content is useful to them and they want to read, learn something from your blog. Actually this is not too hard because typically only need a title and description is attractive can make them click and read but to readers back to your blog more again, then that's the problem, only extremely new quality content can do that.

4. Connect the community
No connection with readers, your blog will not be in this competition, the time when that person home are both blogging. You have to create a community may be in the form of activities such as the fanpage or group or join other communities linked to the field that you are writing. And one more thing is to create good relations with bloggers the same field, you will probably expand its readers.

5. Keep the readers
You need to reduce the ratio to the smallest level of bounce rate, if you don't do that is you have failed to keep the readers in your blog again. You must do so that your readers read voraciously from his blog this post to another post, simply because the articles are related to each other and that is the chain the information they really need. To do this you need to understand your readers want, need something in his blog.

6. Chien smart promotion technique
You have a product and want to promote it in the best way possible. Usually you will create a sale page and attract your potential clients on this page. So is it the way to promote products effectively. You really have to get the confidence of the people only through one page sale page? Of course not and blog is born to do it, that you interact with customers in many different ways and create a reputation for yourself as well as bolster confidence for potential customers. Then cleverly insert your product ads on the blog, the content that you are writing. Reach customers in a gentle way, don't make them think you're selling which simply refer to them with a solution to solve their problem.

7. The issue of making money from blogging
There are many ways you can make money from your blog. You can only do that when there was a relatively high traffic volume and stability. If your blog is brand new then it is best to focus on the quality of the content and use of the content that increase traffic to his blog.

8. Passion
Passion is what helps us to keep each time feel depressed something. Blogging too, you need to enjoy the field of writing and really passionate about it. Simple if you don't like what you write, then the readers they ain't read.

9. Guest Posting
Please open the blog so everyone can guest post for your blog, you will save a lot of time song blog advice made new content constantly. More other blogger who each have a separate skills, they will attract more readers with the skills.

10. focus
The last thing I learned here is to focus on the areas that you are writing, don't be too greedy. Your blog must have content and swirl deep into it as well as attracting readers in that field as much as possible. This is my first lesson when blogging, not focus and something also like to write, don't go by the way!!!

Above are 10 blogging tips I've read and learn from the famous blogger. Any longtime blogger would also apply this trick for his blog so you can be assured the application.

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